Murder House

Written on November 26, 2024

Apparently there's a resurgence of PS1-style horror games going on and I wasn't informed, so I've been busy catching up. At the heart of this resurgence is game developer and publisher Puppet Combo and I'd like to talk about what I consider to be their best game yet, Murder House.

The graphics are deliberately dated and the game uses tank controls and fixed camera angles. The voices are grainy and the soundtrack is full of somewhat sad and melancholic, yet peaceful songs — which I love — interspersed with faster songs that hark back to the 80s.

In terms of gameplay, it uses the classic trope of keeping you busy with menial tasks in the beginning of the game while the horror slowly builds in the background, creeping more and more into the foreground until you're finally confronted by it.

The game is genuinely scary at times, creating horror through both atmosphere and some well-placed jump scares. This is interspersed with some genuinely funny, deadpan comedy.

I highly recommend this game if it sounds right up your alley. Although it is a bit short, it is also quite cheap, especially if you buy it on sale.